Essential oils have been used for centuries in many cultures because of their health-promoting qualities. Modern trends towards a more holistic approach to self-care and the increasing scientific recognition of alternative health practices are leading to the rediscovery of the health benefits of essential oils. It is difficult to describe in words the effect of essential oils if one has not experienced it alone.
If you are not sure which essential oils or products you need, or which dōTERRA kit to start, contact us at .
DōTERRA products are not sold in stores or commercially available. They are distributed solely by wellness consultants.
When you register with dōTERRA through a wellness consultant number, he / she is committed to assisting you in using the company's products or in the future development of your dōTERRA business if you choose to do so.
What gives you registration with dōTERRA
- 25% off retail price;
- Participation in the Loyalty program (which can save you up to 55% of the final price);
- Free products;
- Ability to help yourself and others with natural products;
- Ability to remove toxic cosmetics and cleaning chemicals from your daily routine;
- Registration does not oblige you. You can order when and as much as you want;
You can buy dōTERRA oils or products directly from the site, or register yourself, which will automatically allow you to enjoy a 25% discount.
Choosing to create a registration account that will save you 25% there are two options:
- to become a Wellness Consultant or
- "Wholesale Customer"
and in both cases you will benefit from the discount. DōTERRA 's Wellness Consultant can generate income in the form of commissions, bonuses and more for sharing dōTERRA 's essential oils and products with other people, while the Wholesale Customer only benefits from the price discount. The choice is yours.
Follow these easy instructions on how to sign up for an account
- Follow this link that will take you to the below screen
- Select Europe from the drop-down menu under "Where your product will be shipped", then an additional "Select a country" menu will appear. From it select "Bulgaria". If everything is correct, your screen will look like this:
- Click the Continue button
- On the next screen, you can choose from two options "Wellness Advocate" or "Wholesale Customer"
- You will be presented with the following screen, where you need to fill your data, fields marked with * are mandatory.
- Primary First Name: Short name (for example Nevena)
- Primary Last Name: Surname (eg Vasilev)
- Address: (full address, without city and postal code, so that delivery can reach your home; deliveries to Bulgaria are made with Speedy).
- City: (city)
- Zip or Postal Code: (ZIP code)
- Time Zone: (time zone, for Bulgaria, select "Helsinki, Riga, Cairo (GMT + 2: 00))
- Evening Phone: (personal phone)
- Email: (email)
- Birth Date: (first birthday is the month and then the day of the month and finally the year of birth)
- Enroller ID: ( 8847895 should automatically come up here, which will also be repeated on Sponsor ID. If by chance one of these two fields is empty, please fill in 8847895).
- Enter Password: (enter password; password requirement is 8 to 15 letters or numbers, at least one capital letter, at least one lowercase letter, at least one number)
- Re-Enter Password: (confirm your password)
- Check "I agree to the Terms and Conditions for Wellness Advocates, the policies in the dōTERRA Policy Manual, and the Site Usage Policies for the dōTERRA back office, which is provided by an authorized dōTERRA partner, InfoTRAX Systems, LLC."
- Check "My shipping address is the same as my mailing address" at the top right of the screen.
- Click Continue.
The following page will open
- Use the scroll bar <> to select the package you want. dōTERRA sends a booklet with each package. If you want to buy only separate oils, you will also have to pay a registration fee of € 20. If you register with a package, this fee will be waived.
Option A: If you opted for a particular package after pressing "ADD TO CART", it is automatically added to the "My 1 st Order Cart" field.
Option B: Select single oils / products and add them to the cart. To continue with this option you will also need to pay a registration fee of € 20, for that select EU dōTERRA Essential Booklet and add it to your cart.
Once the option you have selected appears, click on “View totals” , which will display the final price, after VAT and shipping.
- If the payment address is the same as the shipping address, click the "My billing address is the same as my shipping address" checkbox .
- If you would like to save your payment method click the "Please Save Payment Information" checkbox .
- Choose your preferred payment method - “Credit Card”, “Bank Wire”, “Direct Debbit”. We recommend that you select "Credit Card" to avoid any subsequent charges.
- Fill the required details. A debit card as well as a virtual card can be used.
- Name on Card: Name of the cardholder
- Card number: Card number
- Expiration date: The expiration date on the card
- Verification code: The three digits on the back of the map (marked in red in the image below)
- Click on the Process Order button .
Congratulations! You are now part of the dōTERRA family .